The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Ice Bucket Challenge

Hi everyone!

I have been nominated for this trend called the “ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.”
Judging from my news feed in my sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), this is pretty famous. Every single one of my batchmates, friends and relatives have done it and I think I’m the one left out. (hahaha XD)

When I found out about this, also watching some of the videos of my friends, I found it pretty crazy for people to dump ice water on their heads and I said to myself, “They’re crazy and this for crazy people.” But, later on that day, I realized I was wrong.

First of all, I didn’t even know what ALS meant. I searched it up and it stood for “Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis” or it’s shorter name “Lou Gehrig’s Disease.” This was pretty familiar to me because it was shown in the movie “Ted” (you know, with the talking bear alcholic and drug addict) when the maun character John wished for his rival to have Lou Gehrig’s disease (eventually he did.) I didn’t take it seriously and I thought Lou Gehrig’s was just a sickness that was dense like fever or something like dengue or malaria. It wasn’t. It was something much much more worse than that. ALS would make all your muscles paralyzed. It would prohibit first the movement of your legs, hands, bones, neck until you could not eat, drink or breathe anymore. And the worst part is, people don’t even know thst there is such thing as ALS. It is really scary to have this disease, and people who would be diagnosed with this disease would might as well kill themselves than experience this kind of pain. As I said before, people lack awareness of this disease and thus, it doesn’t have a cure and they just let people who have ALS die.

Technically that’s our biggest problem so far, people don’t even know why we do it and sometimes they do it for other reasons i.e. For being cool

So why do we even have to do this challenge?

Because by recreating that feeling of ice everywhere in your body, that’s how it feels like to have ALS. Every aching painful second of it. It will paralyze you, it will prohibit your voice, your eating, and eventually your breathing until you die.

And that is why we do the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. To share that we actually know what’s going on. ALS is not at all treated or cared for by USA. No one cares about people who have ALS. We do it to show that we know and we care about them.

Even though we’re not in direct contact, we still show them, and if everyone works hand in hand, we will find a cure for that wretched disease.

Now, after I made you read this, I challenge you to the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.

Please let me know your thoughts about this in the comments below.
Thanks a lot! Don’t forget to like and share this among your peers!


Fact: Ever since the Ice Bucket Challenge became viral, over a million dollars were spread and given to the ALS foundation.

Thank you for reading my thoughts and appreciating this article.

Visit for more info about this disease. Please, I encourage you guys to donate also!

Watch this video to watch and experience ALS first-hand from this man.


Note: I did the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge and I donated $10 to the said organization.

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